Wedding at the Gutshaus Steglitz

A little more than 200 years ago, when Berlin barely stretched to Landwehr Canal (which did not even exist back then), way, way down south, 20 minutes by S Bahn or 1 hour by mail coach, there used to be a little village called Steglitz. It was far from being the nice green neighbourhood it is today, with its quiet residential streets and beautiful villas, but what it had then and it still has today was… goldfinches!

No. Well, yes, sure, because Steglitz etymologically means “the place where are goldfinches”, which chirp and roam the land now as they most likely did back then. (Although said goldfinches might just have been the local noble dynasty from the 13th century, also called Stegelitz)

But goldfinches aside, what still remains of those times is the 1808-built Gutshaus Steglitz, the manor house, which benefited in time of its proximity to the new cobblestone road that connected Berlin and Potsdam, which helped the village develop quickly, especially after a large plantation of mulberries and subsequent wormy chompers set in motion a flourishing silk industry.

Although it used to be just a little country estate, the local reverence for chateaux (which uses the same term for manor houses and full blown palaces like Schloss Sanssouci, Schönbrunn, or Neuschwanstein) surmounted its slightly meek origin and size and lovingly nicknamed it Wrangelschlösschen (after one of its owners), ‘the little Wrangel palace’. For every man’s home is his castle.

Long story short, Gutshaus Steglitz is still standing, two hundred years old, and not looking a day over 100. A century old is also the adjoining theater, called Schlosspark Theater, which took over the manor’s business wing and will celebrate a round centennial age next year.

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Today the Gutshaus hosts different events, especially in its white Rokokosaal, with a beautiful stucco ceiling and crystal chandelier (unfortunately the everyday chairs do not offer a similarly adequate lofty feeling).

And on some occasions some happy couples can have the civil wedding ceremony in the Gutshaus Steglitz.

As did K. and F. on a bright fresh winter morning.

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…followed by a reception in the theater’s elegant foyer, with French windows overlooking the garden.

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… and a very quick outdoor photo session in the chilly December sun.

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Congratulations and herzlichen Glückwunsch, K. & F.!
May your marriage be like your beautiful sunny winter wedding day!


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