Tag: sport

  • A portrait of an athlete

    A portrait of an athlete

    Sarah is a fitness trainer. I met her last year in Berlin, when she needed new photos for her business as a personal trainer and nutrition coach.

    A former Marine Corps officer and body builder, with a charming smiling presence and a fiercely determined personality, she is dedicated to living a healthy life and helping people around do the same. Which is why she is also completing her chiropractic studies, which would take her to the next level in understanding and shaping the human body.

    Needless to say, I was hooked. I think it was the first time I was genuinely excited about going to the gym. Not to work out, of course. To take photos of this incredibly athletic and graceful woman who makes deadlifting 60 kg look like child’s play.

    So let’s start with some stretching, of course. Work that smile, too.

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    FitX Gym Chris Tudor Fotos-15.jpg

    All warmed up? Let’s move to more serious stuff.

    Good. Now let’s get down to serious business.

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    FitX Gym Chris Tudor Fotos-4-2.jpg

    Still smiling? Good.
    And of course, don’t forget to hydrate accordingly during your workout.

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    FitX Gym Chris Tudor Fotos-18.jpg

    If you too have a hard time going to the gym, or finding motivation for even lifting a dumbbell at home, give Sarah a chance to turn you around. That is, as soon as life returns to normal and gyms reopen in Berlin.

    Useful link: Sarah’s website (a work in progress) as a personal fitness trainer.

    A tip of the hat goes to FitX who let us do our photo session in one of their fitness studios in Berlin.