
  • Winter Blues on the Spree

    Winter Blues on the Spree

    The new year was so young it could barely walk. Or maybe it was still a tad hungover from the traditional Berlin New Year’s Eve party.

    The city most certainly was, with hollow eyes, disheveled corners, last year’s Christmas make-up still showing, and piles of leftover Silvester cheer – broken bottles and fireworks debris – everywhere.

    In the typical early January atmosphere, when everyone bobs depressingly in the murky waters of anxiety and post-Christmas winter blues, with rare moments of hope, elation and clarity, under the skies of grey and in the puddles of shattered will to live, here I was, hopping from one foot to another, not with unrestrained joy, but with cold, waiting for my 11 o’clocks in my usual meeting spot, the now-waterless fountain at the Berliner Dom.

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    And here they came, spic-and-span, all happy, smiling and in love, M. & V.

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    Verified cure for the winter blues: spend an hour with people who smile at you and at each other.

    Other useful accessories: a red bow tie and a vibrant bunch of flowers.

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    Recommended attire: a flowy dress.


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    I just can’t resist a flowy dress in an empty gallery

    I just can’t resist a flowy dress in an empty gallery

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    At the end of our wintry walk along the Spree, we regrouped with their friends and did some fun group photos too.

    “Three girls and one boy” (the statuary group), with interspersed tree, two girls and three boys (the real ones).

    “Three girls and one boy” (the statuary group), with interspersed tree, two girls and three boys (the real ones).

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    Looking forward to see you again in Berlin, M. & V., thank you for the smiles! 🙂